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Impresora Láser Color Samsung ProXpress SL-C4010ND

Part number: SS216M#697 / Cod: NA0000030774
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Outstanding 40 ppm print speed with a Dual CPU
Reach business goals fast with the Samsung ProXpress C4010ND. Equipped with a Dual CPU, it helps boost work productivity with remarkable print speed of up to 40ppm, saving you time when handling heavy jobs and graphic images.
Sharpen and enhance graphic quality with ReCP technology
Blurry is unprofessional. Samsung's ReCP technology helps improve print quality by refining small text and thin lines. The Samsung ProXpress C4010ND brings vivid color saturation with precise and crisp details for enhanced resolution.
Print high volume documents on various paper types
Help expand productivity with the Samsung ProXpress C4010ND. With an exceptionally high input capacity of up to 2,250 sheets, it is built for handling heavy business documents fast. It even supports various types of paper that weights up to 220 g/m².
Help lower TCO with high yield toners
Larger toner capacity helps lower long-term costs. The Samsung ProXpress C4010ND supports high volume print loads with toner cartridges that yield 15K in mono and 10K in color[1]. Long-lasting consumables help reduce maintenance and labor costs.
Help reduce energy consumption with power saving features
Long warm up periods create more downtime. The Samsung ProXpress C4010ND helps reduce Total Energy Consumption with less time spent to prepare before and between print jobs in Ready mode. It also helps reduce energy consumption even in Sleep mode.
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